Fly Fishing

News & Tips: Protect Your Fly Gear: The Case for Cases...

Protect Your Fly Gear: The Case for Cases

January 19, 2015
When it comes to gear, most fly anglers have no shortage of items on their wish lists. If you’re anything like me, fine fly rods and reels reside somewhere near the top.  The first three on my list…
The right scissors are an essential piece of fly tying equipment. ...

How to Select the Perfect Scissors for Fly Tying

January 6, 2015
With many different types of scissors available to the avid fly tier, trying to pick out a quality pair is not as easy as it might sound. Different sizes, styles and lengths can all effect how…
News & Tips: Think Thread Doesn’t Matter When Tying Flies? Learn How to Pick the Right Thread for the Job...

Think Thread Doesn’t Matter When Tying Flies? Learn How to Pick the Right Thread for the Job

December 10, 2014
Many fly tiers won’t skimp when it comes to purchasing fly tying materials such as hackles or dubbing for fly tying but never pay any thought to the thread they’ll be using.  Other than the hook, fly…
News & Tips: 8 Tips for Wading the Saltwater Flats

8 Tips for Wading the Saltwater Flats

December 9, 2014
Wading is, by far, the best way to approach spooky flats species such as redfish, bonefish, permit, and sometimes snook and trout. When the fish are in water that's barely ankle deep, stealth is…
News & Tips: Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall...

Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall

December 3, 2014
Among autumn’s challenges is finding the time to squeeze in the many outdoor opportunities that exist at this time of year. One adventure I promised myself this fall was a trip to central…
News & Tips: 3 Factors You Should Consider When Buying a Fly Tying Bobbin...

3 Factors You Should Consider When Buying a Fly Tying Bobbin

November 25, 2014
Over my years in fly tying, I have been lucky enough to test nearly all fly tying bobbins. There are so many different varieties and styles of bobbins on the market today, it amazes me that fly tiers…
News & Tips: 6 Low-Water Fly Fishing Tips for Great Lakes Steelhead...

6 Low-Water Fly Fishing Tips for Great Lakes Steelhead

November 17, 2014
The southern shore of Lake Erie that stretches across portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, known by many anglers as Steelhead Alley, provides an exceptional opportunity to fish for quality-…
News & Tips: Do You Know How to Match a Fishing Hook to the Fly You’re Tying?...

Do You Know How to Match a Fishing Hook to the Fly You’re Tying?

November 17, 2014
Just as the broadhead is the most important item in the bowhunter’s tool kit, the hook is what gets it done for anglers. Like all tools, you need the right fly fishing hook for the job. That’s…
News & Tips: Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X  — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys...

Why You Need St. Croix’s Legend X — The Muscle Car of Fly Rods for Battling the Big Boys

October 23, 2014
Having had the chance to test St. Croix’s Legend X fly rod in a variety of venues during the past several months, I can say it’s one sleek fly rod.  If it had four wheels it would be a muscle car,…
News & Tips: Flashy Streamers Worth a Try When the Water is High...

Flashy Streamers Worth a Try When the Water is High

October 16, 2014
This autumn, your favorite trout fishing river may be faster and higher due to heavy rains. While fly fishing and wading may be difficult, you can always try swinging streamers. Swinging a fly…
News & Tips: Fly Fishing: Cast a Grasshopper Fly to Fool Fall Trout...

Fly Fishing: Cast a Grasshopper Fly to Fool Fall Trout

October 7, 2014
Trout fishermen traditionally cast imitations of aquatic insects such as mayflies and caddis. But some of the best fall fly-fishing comes from imitating "terrestrial" insects. These are bugs that are…
News & Tips: Now is the Time to Fish for Trout That Survived the Summer...

Now is the Time to Fish for Trout That Survived the Summer

September 21, 2014
I don’t know what your weather has been, but in much of the northeast part of the country the soon-to-be-departed summer was exceptionally wet and relatively cool.  Which is good news for trout…