Fishing Tip

News & Tips: Bring on the Pre-Spawn!

Bring on the Pre-Spawn!

March 10, 2014
Well, it’s March, and the lakes around you should be warming up, unless you are in the far North (you guys keep watching fishing shows for another 30-45 days … lol). Here in the South, the fishing is…
News & Tips: Guide to Bug Repellents

Guide to Bug Repellents

March 10, 2014
As nice as it is to walk in the woods in early spring, it does not take long with the rising spring temperatures for ticks, black flies and mosquitoes to start hatching. In fact in most midwest…
News & Tips: Getting Started Tournament Fishing

Getting Started Tournament Fishing

March 8, 2014
I still remember the moment rather vividly, even though I was just a teenager. I was watching my usual cavalcade of Saturday afternoon fishing shows. My mother happened to walk into the room just as…
News & Tips: Crappies Offer Special Appeal in Late Winter...

Crappies Offer Special Appeal in Late Winter

March 8, 2014
One of the hardest things anglers face as winter begins to loosen its grip on the land is what species to go after. March through April is a prime time for many gamefish, from bass to bluegills,…
News & Tips: North America's Best Catfishing Waters...

North America's Best Catfishing Waters

March 7, 2014
North America encompasses thousands of lakes and rivers that produce catfish in extraordinary numbers and huge sizes. Coming up with a "best" fishing list is like trying to pick America's best…
News & Tips: Tools You Need to Properly Catch & Release Fish...

Tools You Need to Properly Catch & Release Fish

March 5, 2014
Any job needs right tools to get done properly. For anglers, having the right lure can be critical to catching fish; however, it is just as important to carry the tools and gear needed to properly…
News & Tips: 5 Must-Have Early Season Crappie Baits...

5 Must-Have Early Season Crappie Baits

March 4, 2014
Perhaps it's because of the long winter and high snow banks, but I'm itching — big time — for some spring crappie. I'm a bit of a fishing tackle junkie when it comes to baits, no matter the species.…
News & Tips: Fishing Using the Basics & Common Sense...

Fishing Using the Basics & Common Sense

February 28, 2014
The basics can never be emphasized enough. In the act of fish-catching, it is not the bells, whistles, tricks, twists, scents or latest lures that really matter. Gadgets help. And, at times, fish…
News & Tips: Spawning-Run Landlocked Striper Bass

Spawning-Run Landlocked Striper Bass

February 28, 2014
One April I was giving my new aluminum boat a test run in a nearby tailrace. After running several miles upstream, I decided to try out the trolling motor. Just as I lowered the troller into the…
News & Tips: Jerkbait Time for Ozark Smallmouth

Jerkbait Time for Ozark Smallmouth

February 27, 2014
The rigors of winter took their toll in the Missouri Ozarks. Frozen lakes and streams kept fishermen at bay for weeks. There are not a lot of ice fishermen in the Ozarks. Change is in the wind,…
News & Tips: 10 Must Have Items to Stock in Your Boat...

10 Must Have Items to Stock in Your Boat

February 21, 2014
Stocking the boat with certain items can make the difference between a fun day on the water or a quick end to the trip. Here are some suggestions that have been game savers for myself. Electrical…
News & Tips: From Top to Bottom Fishing for Winter Pike...

From Top to Bottom Fishing for Winter Pike

February 20, 2014
Through the many years of pursuing northern pike through the ice, one aspect that stands out from the rest about their ice-time habits – and one that most folks overlook – is that these toothy…