Field & Stream Rut Hand Book

News & Tips: Don't Wait For November To Kill a Rutting Buck...

Don't Wait For November To Kill a Rutting Buck

September 30, 2013
The rut can be feast or famine. Here’s how to ensure a ­successful harvest year after yearArticle by Scott Bestul. Last fall, my father and I ignored the calendar that told us we were in the “October…
News & Tips: Learn Why TV's Rick Kreuter Uses Rut Tactics in Mid-October...

Make A Killer Scrape Line

September 27, 2013
Article by Scott Bestul. Minnesota whitetail nut Billy Jerowski is a fair-minded, modern husband—one whose manhood isn’t threatened by doing dishes or hanging laundry. But he never imagined his…
News & Tips: Learn Why TV's Rick Kreuter Uses Rut Tactics in Mid-October...

Learn Why TV's Rick Kreuter Uses Rut Tactics in Mid-October

September 24, 2013
The rut can be feast or famine. Here’s how to ensure a ­successful harvest year after yearArticle by Scott Bestul.Unlike most of his prospective clients, veteran Nebraska guide Rick Kreuter realizes…
News & Tips: October Lull? In Fact, Buck Activity Will Increase This Month...

October Lull? In Fact, Buck Activity Will Increase This Month

September 19, 2013
Article by Dr. Karl V. Miller. The Symptom: For the first week or two of archery season, the guys at camp were seeing bucks at evening food sources with shooting light to spare. Everybody reported…
News & Tips: 5 Calling Tricks for Chase-Phase Bucks...

5 Calling Tricks for Chase-Phase Bucks

September 13, 2013
Article by Bill Vaznis.In that frantic period just before the peak rut, when does are running in every direction from prying noses, calling bucks away from their playing-hard-to-get girlfriends may…
News & Tips: Reading Deer Sign

The Perfect Time and Tactic to Tag a Pre-Rut Buck

September 8, 2013
This expert waits for the ideal hour to tag a trophy. Article by Mark Hicks. Like every whitetail addict, Adam Hays of Columbus, Ohio, knows that the last two weeks before the primary rut is one of…
News & Tips: Buck Scrapes Turn Hot 10 Days Prior To Peak Rut...

Buck Scrapes Turn Hot 10 Days Prior To Peak Rut

September 3, 2013
Article by Scott Bestul.Scouting a scenic Minne­sota valley bottom, I stumbled on a series of scrapes so fresh, I smelled the dank earth before I spotted the sign itself. I quickly set up a stand for…
News & Tips: How Close is the Rut? Here are 6 Ways to Tell...

How Close is the Rut? Here are 6 Ways to Tell

August 31, 2013
You know about rubs and scrapes. Here are some other clues. Article by Bill Vaznis. When does the rut peak in your area? You can check last year’s dates, talk with a deer biologist, or consult moon…
News & Tips: Find The First Hot Does to Tag a Trophy Now...

Find The First Hot Does to Tag a Trophy Now

August 28, 2013
Article by Gerald Almy. You know the drill.Find doe family groups as the rut approaches, take a stand downwind, kill a big buck. If only it were that simple.The fact is, you need to find the right…
News & Tips: Read Buck Rubs Like A Pro

Read Buck Rubs Like A Pro

August 24, 2013
Article by Scott Bestul.I saw “Blades” only three times in four months. But I learned his favorite hangouts just the same, by studying his rubs. Eventually, the big 10 I named for G2s that looked…
News & Tips: Three Experts Pick Their Favorite Pre Rut Stands...

Three Experts Pick Their Favorite Pre Rut Stands

August 23, 2013
Three expert whitetail ­hunters—with more than 40 P&Y-Class bucks between them—reveal their top early-season stand locations. Article by Will Brantley. Brian Van Horn ?Years Hunting Whitetails:…
News & Tips: Some Giant Bucks Don't Bother With Breeding...

Some Giant Bucks Don't Bother With Breeding

August 19, 2013
Article by Gerald Almy. We all know what happens during the whitetail rut, right? Bucks become less cautious. They spend more time on their feet. They stick their necks out to court does.?But hold…