Duck Stamp

News & Tips: Wildlife Art & Conservation Highlighted on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio...

Wildlife Art & Conservation Highlighted on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

September 7, 2016
Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is featuring three award winning wildlife artists week. Host Rob Keck is talking to 16 year old Stacy Shen, the winner of the 2016-17 Federal Junior Duck Stamp…
News & Tips: How Hunters Fund Conservation Through the Federal Duck Stamp Program...

How Hunters Fund Conservation Through the Federal Duck Stamp Program

October 26, 2014
Many of the people who buy a federal Duck Stamp probably don’t realize how important this conservation program has been to the healthy duck and goose populations we now enjoy across the United States…
News & Tips: The Federal Conservation Duck Stamp

The Federal Conservation Duck Stamp

July 1, 2013
Hey Bass Pro Team - I was on the VIP list of PRO Staff to attended a ceremony at the Richmond Bass Pro Shop for the unveiling of the 2013-2014 Federal Conservation Duck Stamp. This ceremony was for…