
Dove in tree

6 Common Reasons Dove Hunters Miss the Shot

September 13, 2018
Dove hunting is one of the most fast-paced and challenging pursuits many hunters will encounter. These quick, erratic flyers have been known to cause even the best wingshooters some frustration from…
News & Tips: What Argentina Doves Taught Me About Wingshooting...

What Argentina Doves Taught Me About Wingshooting

September 3, 2015
Although it might be a bit backward to make your first dove hunting trip a high-volume shoot in Argentina, there’s no question that this trial-by-fire provided me with a wealth of experience that…
News & Tips: Shotgun and Gear Choices for Dove Hunting...

Shotgun and Gear Choices for Dove Hunting

September 24, 2014
If you plan a dove hunting trip, your gun choice isn't the only thing important. Consider other gear you'll need to take along for this exciting hunt. I use a double barrel side-by-side shotgun for…
News & Tips: Dove Hunting Basics: Tips on Guns, Loads and Shooting (video)...

Dove Hunting Basics: Tips on Guns, Loads and Shooting (video)

September 11, 2014
Don't think it's tough to get started dove hunting. Before you hit the ground and start laying out dove decoys, you'll need a good gun, with the right loads. Then you'll need to know how to become a…
News & Tips: 5 Things to Do Before Dove Season Opening Day...

5 Things to Do Before Dove Season Opening Day

August 14, 2014
When the quick passage of time has caught you on the short end of the preparation stick for the opening day of dove hunting season. Don't fret. A few weeks to prepare is better than no time at all.…
Five doves sitting on a wire fence that surrounds a wheat field

Planting Isn't the Only Way to Attract Doves

March 14, 2014
Mourning doves are, without question, the most popular game birds in the United States, and perhaps in the entire world. And more and more, dove hunters and landowners are looking for ways to attract…
News & Tips: Tips to Spit Roasting Over an Outdoor Open Fire (recipes)...

Tips to Spit Roasting Over an Outdoor Open Fire (recipes)

December 12, 2013
Spit roasting is the oldest method of cooking known to man. It's easy to imagine an early American squatting by an open campfire, turning a hunk of spitted meat over the flames. The tradition can be…
News & Tips: How To Use Structure for Dove Hunting

How To Use Structure for Dove Hunting

August 30, 2013
Doves frustrate the most experienced wingshots. They're fast. They're small. They're hard to hit. If you can down one bird for every three shots fired, you've earned a nickname like "Deadeye" or "…
News & Tips: Dove Hunting Made Easier

Dove Hunting Made Easier

August 15, 2013
Hundreds of thousands of wingshooters across the country are anxiously looking forward to the first hunting season of the year, namely dove season. However, some hunters do not properly prepare…
News & Tips: Dove Hunting Basics: Tips to Get You Started...

Dove Hunting Basics: Tips to Get You Started

July 31, 2013
Nothing says it's time to begin hunting season like a good dove shoot. When the birds and the lead are flying, there's nothing quite like it.        Although dove hunting is one of the simplest…
News & Tips: How to Dove Hunt Without the Crowds

How to Dove Hunt Without the Crowds

December 3, 2012
Bring up the subject of dove hunting and most sportsmen picture images of vast fields of harvested grain surrounded by dozens of shooters waiting for birds to fly under a hot afternoon sun. The…
Dove hunter shooting

Dove Hunting Tips: Early Season Doves

October 3, 2012
Oil up your shotguns, unpack your camo and shoot a few practice rounds. Dove hunting season is on tap. Although they can be hunted into January in most states, the real excitement of doves is that…