

Saving Alaska's Bristol Bay

March 14, 2013
Steven discusses the potentially catastrophic effects of the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska's Bristol Bay. • At stake is an ecosystem that supports the finest wild salmon habitat on Earth. Each year…

Habitat Management for Alaska's Tongass National Forest

February 28, 2013
Steven emphasizes the value of undeveloped winter range for Sitka black-tailed deer in southeastern Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. • Created by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908, the Tongass National…

Conserving Water in the West

February 14, 2013
Steven discusses water issues in the West and how numerous factors, including increased water use and drought, can negatively impact fish and wildlife populations. • The Colorado River supplies…

Feral Pigs and the Impacts of Invasive Species

February 1, 2013
Steven addresses the widespread problems created by exotic and invasive wild pig populations across the United States and how hunters are engaged in the effort to solve the problem.•    Feral pigs…
News & Tips: Dillard Mill Combines Nature and History...

Dillard Mill Combines Nature and History

January 8, 2013
Dillard Mill, near Viburnum, Mo., is a perfect picture waiting to be taken. The bright red mill sits on a short rock bluff overlooking the clear-flowing Huzzah Creek in Crawford County. Dillard Mill…
News & Tips: Hunters Help Feed the Hungry

Hunters Help Feed the Hungry

December 19, 2012
More than 50 million people in the United States face hunger, according to data from But with the help of deer donation organizations, hunters are pitching in to fight hunger and…
News & Tips: A Delicate Subject: The Art of Catch and Release...

A Delicate Subject: The Art of Catch and Release

October 12, 2012
 As the late, great Lee Wulff once said, "A good game fish is too valuable to be caught only once." Catch-and-release fishing has become an effective conservation tool, but the value is diminished if…
News & Tips: Good Stewards: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation...

Good Stewards: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

October 12, 2012
Imagine a world where wide open spaces are a myth, light pollution reaches all corners of the planet and the only place to see “wild” animals is a zoo. Scary, isn’t it? No new land is being created;…
News & Tips: Good Stewards: Ducks Unlimited (video)...

Good Stewards: Ducks Unlimited (video)

October 12, 2012
What kind of world would it be if Big Sky Country became a myth, no stars were visible at night and the only place to see “wild” animals was a zoo? It’s difficult and scary to imagine. No new lands…
News & Tips: Wildlife Exploration: Painted Turtle

Wildlife Exploration: Painted Turtle

October 12, 2012
Next time you’re camping, fishing or boating, take time to check out the wonders of wildlife and nature. When you’re on or near fresh water, keep an eye out for painted turtles. With their abundance…
News & Tips: Anglers, Do Your Part To Help Fight Invasive Fishing Species...

Anglers, Do Your Part To Help Fight Invasive Fishing Species

October 11, 2012
Experienced fishermen are well aware of the dangers of invasive species can pose to their fishing resources; game fish can be threatened and waters can become difficult -- or worse, impossible -- to…
News & Tips: Sportsmen, Be Proud. Your Participation Preserves Wildlife...

Sportsmen, Be Proud. Your Participation Preserves Wildlife

October 11, 2012
Image (left): Representative A. Willis Robertson Credit: Congressional Pictorial Directory of the 74th Congress. Image (right): Senator Key Pittman Credit: As you renew your hunting and…