Millions of ducks and geese come down the flyways each fall, just as they have done for eons. Likewise, thousands of waterfowl hunters lie in wait, hoping to coax a few of the magnificent birds…
For any serious angler that has ever found themselves battling the frosty ice cold conditions of winter, or the windy and rainy weather associated with early spring, the necessity of having a quality…
Today's laser rangefinders are so accurate, compact and affordable that no hunter — whether with rifle or bow — should ever be without one. Here's what you need to know to choose one that's right for…
Whether to store fish on a boat for days or on a weekend camping trip, finding the right cooler for the job is important. Here is a guide to help you know what to look for to find the best cooler to…
Things are changing in the world of turkey hunting — a sport that's more popular than ever before. Increased popularity has prompted the creation of new products designed to help hunters succeed in…
Spotting scopes like this Oculus spotting scope not only allow you to spot game from greater distances, but also allow you to size up a potential trophy from a few miles away.
Binoculars are…
In order to handle the enormous amount of specialty items associated with fly fishing — floatant, indicators, tippet, fly boxes, etc. — a quality fishing vest is an investment in making your life on…
Anyone who shoots a compound bow knows that a good sight is critical. Without it, you stand less of a chance of shooting tight groups or arrowing a deer in low light or at extreme ranges.
We all know that shooting from the offhand position is very unstable, and that we should try to avoid it. Some of us have actually gotten pretty good at getting in the habit of trying to get down…
The aura surrounding fly fishing can be intimidating, particularly for the novice considering taking up the hobby. As with most any outdoor activity, a person can pursue it at whatever level he or…
Whether you are an octogenarian duck hunter or planning your very first waterfowl hunting trip, selecting a duck call from the hordes of fine instruments on the market today can be a daunting task.…
Hunting from a hunting tree stand is one of the most effective ways of bagging a big buck, especially for the bowhunter, but certain tree stands are better suited to certain hunting situations. Here'…