Buying Guide

News & Tips: Today's Air Rifles Not Just for Kids Anymore...

Today's Air Rifles Not Just for Kids Anymore

March 4, 2014
Like so many other hunters, the first game I ever shot as a kid was with a Daisy BB and pellet rifle. I wreaked havoc on many a small furred or feathered critter with that pump air gun until it…
News & Tips: Fishing: How to Stock Your Muskie Box

Fishing: How to Stock Your Muskie Box

February 26, 2014
The mighty muskie conjures up a vision of immense size, razor sharp teeth, and acrobatic jumps. Perched at the top of the freshwater food chain, the Esox masquinongy is an ornery and fierce…
News & Tips: Fishing Tackle Buying Guide

Fishing Tackle Buying Guide

February 16, 2014
Maybe it's the effectiveness of the outdoor industry's marketing of lures, but fishing tackle rarely gets the credit it deserves. Case in point — many anglers would rather spend five dollars on a…
News & Tips: How to Dress for Ice Fishing

How to Dress for Ice Fishing

February 5, 2014
The time between the first snowfall and the first good ice is never long enough for sportsmen who transition from late-season hunting to ice fishing. It seems you barely have time to put away your…
News & Tips: Itty Bitty Baits for Ice Fishing

Itty Bitty Micro Baits for Ice Fishing

January 28, 2014
E. F. Schumacher coined the phrase "small is beautiful" to refer to economics, but his saying lends itself well to ultra-finesse tactics for panfish. Today there are an array of Lilliputian ice…
News & Tips: These Boot Accessories Help Your Boots Last Longer...

These Boot Accessories Help Your Boots Last Longer

January 17, 2014
Let's face it, properly fitting boots are one of the best pieces of equipment you can have for the outdoors. They protect your feet from cold, rain and rough terrain, biting and stinging critters —…
News & Tips: Cold Water Bass Lures

Cold Water Bass Lures

January 10, 2014
Bass, as you probably know, are cold-blooded creatures, meaning their body temperature is the same as that of their surroundings. As the water temperature drops, so does their metabolic level. The…
News & Tips: 5 Best: Fly-Fishing Organization Tools and Accessories...

5 Best: Fly-Fishing Organization Tools and Accessories

January 9, 2014
Losing a fish is often the most disappointing event in angling (save physical harm of course), but a strong runner-up is realizing you forgot a piece of gear you needed after a long journey to your…
News & Tips: A Guide to Buying Tip-Ups for Ice Fishing...

A Guide to Buying Tip-Ups for Ice Fishing

December 16, 2013
Anglers should never head to the ice to fish without taking a tip-up with them. In the most basic sense, a tip-up is one of the basic tools used when ice fishing. Tip-ups allow anglers to…
News & Tips: Choosing a Portable Ice Shelter

Choosing a Portable Ice Shelter

December 11, 2013
The bitter wind blew furiously, pelting me with unforgiving force, while sapping my warmth and enthusiasm. I struggled to clench my ultra light rod, my grip loosening as my glove raised a white flag…
News & Tips: Glowing Jigs for Ice Fishing

Glowing Jigs for Ice Fishing

November 22, 2013
When preparing your ice tackle for upcoming ice fishing adventures, choosing what color of jig to pack is a difficult decision no matter what type of fish you plan to pursue. Similar to other types…
Two ice fishing anglers fishing over a hole in the ice

Choosing the Perfect Ice Fishing Rod

November 15, 2013
A 28-inch long, medium-action jigging rod is a standard piece of gear for most ice anglers. Other options do exist, but today's rods are so sophisticated and plentiful that selecting the right ice-…