
News & Tips: 8 Tips for Wading the Saltwater Flats

8 Tips for Wading the Saltwater Flats

December 9, 2014
Wading is, by far, the best way to approach spooky flats species such as redfish, bonefish, permit, and sometimes snook and trout. When the fish are in water that's barely ankle deep, stealth is…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: 4 Factors You Must Know to Fish Florida Bay Bights the Right Way...

Travel Blog: 4 Factors You Must Know to Fish Florida Bay Bights the Right Way

October 19, 2014
A bight is defined as a contour or a bay “indenting into a shoreline.” And the northern reaches of Florida Bay that border the mainland of the Sunshine State are loaded with fish-filled bights. East…
News & Tips: How to Make Saltwater Gamefish Go Wild for Bucktails...

How to Make Saltwater Gamefish Go Wild for Bucktails

October 14, 2014
Fishing with the bucktail lure is basically some hairs tied to a jighead, which is the essence of simplicity itself.  When the bucktail is white, it matches or mimics that vast majority of scaled…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Flats Fishing for Trophies in Miami’s Backyard...

Travel Blog: Flats Fishing for Trophies in Miami’s Backyard

October 5, 2014
There are many wonderful flats habitats where anglers can enjoy bonefish, tarpon, and permit fishing at the same time. Such places include the Bahamas, Yucatan’s Quintana Roo coast, Belize, Roatan,…
News & Tips: Bonefish Tactics Demand Relativity

Bonefish Tactics Demand Relativity

May 6, 2014
You may have heard many absolute pronouncements about bonefish from generally acknowledged experts in the field of pursuing the Gray Ghost. As we go over two of these "maxims", you may realize that…
News & Tips: Travel: Bahamian Flats Fishing Orientation...

Travel: Bahamian Flats Fishing Orientation

December 3, 2013
Here are a few pointers that will hopefully help you in your pursuit of Bahamas bonefish. Generally, Bahamian bones range in size from 2-5 pounds, although there are larger fish present on the…