Bass Fishing

'The General' by 'The General'

Larry Nixon Talks Retirement

July 7, 2013
Fans of Larry "The General" Nixon, know he's been swinging his fishing rods for 37 years as a pro basser. Like any top-end athlete, Nixon knows time starts to catch up with him. However, never fear,…
Blast Bronzebacks on Top by Blast Bronzebacks on Top...

Cardiac Bass

July 7, 2013
Pop post-spawn bronzebacks on top! Bed fishing smallmouths is a blast, but for the adrenaline junky in all of us, nothing beats the rush of busting beefy bronzebacks on topwater poppers. This big-…
News & Tips: Hot Weather Stripers on Beaver Lake

Hot Weather Stripers on Beaver Lake

July 4, 2013
"When you see that rod tip begin to bounce, grab the rod, do an about face and try to break the rod," Don Andreasen of Beaver Fever Guide Service said. Beaver Lake guide Don Andreason (left) and…
Casey Martin Wins FLW by Casey Martin Wins FLW

Rookie Martin Wins FLW Tour At Lake Chickamauga

July 1, 2013
 Tennessee’s Morgan Clinches Angler Of The Year Title, $100,000DAYTON, Tenn. (June 30, 2013) – Rookie pro Casey Martin of New Hope, Ala., brought the biggest stringer of the tournament to the scales…

Martin Maintained Lead at FLW Tour at Lake Chickamauga

June 30, 2013
There must be something about the last name 'Martin' that equates to tournament bass fishing prowess. Roland Martin, Tommy Martin, Scott Martin and at the FLW Tour event on Lake Chickamauga out of…
News & Tips: Jig Plus Pig Equals Big Bass

Jig Plus Pig Equals Big Bass

June 14, 2013
The bass market is saturated with an endless supply of lures. Most, however, fill a one-dimensional niche for specific applications or seasonal tactics. One gem, amongst a cast of thousands,…
News & Tips: A Guide to Soft Baits That Bass Love

A Guide to Soft Baits That Bass Love

June 9, 2013
Soft baits rank high among bass anglers for the sheer versatility and effectiveness of these squishy, scented creations. Bass anglers hunt trophy largemouth with monster-sized swimbaits, finesse…
News & Tips: Shakin' Up Bass Fishing With a Shaky Head Jig...

Shakin' Up Bass Fishing With a Shaky Head Jig

June 4, 2013
One craze that hit the bassin' scene may be short on looks and flash, but is a big-time producer when it comes to finessing finicky fish. Dubbed the "Shaky Head," this jig-and-plastic combo garners…
News & Tips: Post-Spawn Bass Fishing

Post-Spawn Bass Fishing

June 3, 2013
It’s mid-May, and the majority of all -- if not all -- the bass have completed their spawn throughout most of the country, with the exception of the northern part of the country. When searching for…
News & Tips: Stick Those Bass

Stick Those Bass

May 30, 2013
Stick baits are an essential soft plastic for bass anglers. Called by a variety of names, Senkos, Dingers, Ochos, Sink Baits, etc., they all work basically the same and produce great bass fishing…
News & Tips: Swimbait Maintenance Tips

Swimbait Maintenance Tips

May 29, 2013
Weary of the financial sting of torn-up soft swimbaits detracting from the joy of a good bass bite? Assemble a swimbait first-aid kit to get the most bass-for-the-buck. Most soft swimbaits rely on a…
John Crews

John Crews Digs Shallow or Deep for Summer Bass

May 28, 2013
As summertime approaches, many anglers are prepping for the vacation season. Bass busters are planning to dredge their favorite deep-water haunts in hopes of finding an expansive school of over-sized…