All Seasons

Keith Kavajecz

Crank It Up for Deep Walleyes

October 15, 2012
Occasionally, in mid-summer, walleyes will set up housekeeping along vast stretches of deep shoreline edges that break to very deep water. I ran into this scenario a few years back on North Dakota’s…
News & Tips: A New Weighted Diving System: The Tadpole Diver by Off Shore Tackle...

A New Weighted Diving System: The Tadpole Diver by Off Shore Tackle

October 15, 2012
I’m here to tell you guys about a great new weighted diving system that is now on the market. It has a planning system incorporated into it, plus it’s weighted, so getting your fishing baits such as…
News & Tips: A Beginner's Guide To Tournament Fishing: Part 1 of 2...

A Beginner's Guide To Tournament Fishing: Part 1 of 2

October 15, 2012
First of all, It’s an honor to be part of such a unique website and I look forward to corresponding with people who share the same passion as I do for fishing. My goal in this endeavor is to learn as…
News & Tips: Hunting Knives: Which is Best Fixed or Folding...

Hunting Knives: Which is Best Fixed or Folding

October 12, 2012
If you’re busy, and just looking for a quick tip on what to look for in a hunting knife, then just read these next three points. If you’re an avid hunter planning on using yourknife on 3+ hunting …
News & Tips: A Delicate Subject: The Art of Catch and Release...

A Delicate Subject: The Art of Catch and Release

October 12, 2012
 As the late, great Lee Wulff once said, "A good game fish is too valuable to be caught only once." Catch-and-release fishing has become an effective conservation tool, but the value is diminished if…
News & Tips: Good Stewards: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation...

Good Stewards: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

October 12, 2012
Imagine a world where wide open spaces are a myth, light pollution reaches all corners of the planet and the only place to see “wild” animals is a zoo. Scary, isn’t it? No new land is being created;…
News & Tips: There is No “Right” Age for a First Gun...

There is No “Right” Age for a First Gun

October 12, 2012
We’re not talking BB gun, water gun or a paintball gun. We’re talking about a real-life, working gun -- loaded and the safety off. There is no magic number a kid reaches when they can be trusted with…
News & Tips: Good Stewards: Ducks Unlimited (video)...

Good Stewards: Ducks Unlimited (video)

October 12, 2012
What kind of world would it be if Big Sky Country became a myth, no stars were visible at night and the only place to see “wild” animals was a zoo? It’s difficult and scary to imagine. No new lands…
News & Tips: Getting Started in Bowfishing (video)

Getting Started in Bowfishing (video)

October 12, 2012
Bowfishing is a hunting method that goes back thousands of years and has been popular in many different cultures. Today, bowfishing is a popular sport combining the best of both the fishing and…
News & Tips: Wildlife Exploration: Painted Turtle

Wildlife Exploration: Painted Turtle

October 12, 2012
Next time you’re camping, fishing or boating, take time to check out the wonders of wildlife and nature. When you’re on or near fresh water, keep an eye out for painted turtles. With their abundance…
News & Tips: 4 Easy Steps to Get Your Cast-Iron Skillet Ready for Camp Cooking...

4 Easy Steps to Get Your Cast-Iron Skillet Ready for Camp Cooking

October 12, 2012
Cast-iron cookware can be one of the greatest tools in your camping toolkit, as the cookware’s versatility and durability allow you to cook many old camping food favorites with the same skillet or…
News & Tips: Tips For Making The Ultimate Man Cave

Tips For Making The Ultimate Man Cave

October 11, 2012
We love a good man cave. And we’re not alone. There are DIY websites all over the Internet that are devoted to upgrades for the just-for-guys space in the house, and there’s even a man cave TV show…