
Bass angler holding up a largemouth bass caught in Guntersville lake

Best Places to Fish in Alabama: Guntersville Lake

February 24, 2020
An impoundment of the Tennessee River, Guntersville Lake is known for its large variety fish and abundance of aquatic vegetation. Largemouth Bass are the primary focus on the lake but substantial…
News & Tips: Turkey Hunting in the Pines

Turkey Hunting in the Pines

April 17, 2014
  In the Alabama pines hunting turkey. After a brief Easter Greeting (:55 to 1:16 mark), Dr. Woods travels to Alabama for a turkey hunt then shares the secret of how to turn a mature pine stand…
News & Tips: Bring on the Pre-Spawn!

Bring on the Pre-Spawn!

March 10, 2014
Well, it’s March, and the lakes around you should be warming up, unless you are in the far North (you guys keep watching fishing shows for another 30-45 days … lol). Here in the South, the fishing is…
News & Tips: Tangled Fly Line - Saltwater Fishing Tip...

Tangled Fly Line - Saltwater Fishing Tip

May 15, 2013
Another way fly line can become tangled is if it has become twisted.  Remove the fly and drag the entire fly line behind the boat.  Twisted fly lines are unruly and difficult to fish with.   The…
News & Tips: Straighten Heavy Mono Line - Saltwater Fly Fishing Tip...

Straighten Heavy Mono Line - Saltwater Fly Fishing Tip

May 7, 2013
To straighten heavy monofilament for tarpon leaders, cut a 25 inch piece of 1/4 inch PVC pipe and install a cap on both ends.  Cut the mono to length and put as many pieces as you can in the tube. …
News & Tips: Loop Shapes for Fly Casting: Saltwater Fishing Tip...

Loop Shapes for Fly Casting: Saltwater Fishing Tip

May 3, 2013
Practice fly fishing casting technique, loop shape.  Stand in the yard and aerialize 40 feet of line.  Using the double haul, experiment with how a harder or longer haul effects loop shape.  The…