News & Tips

Hog photo by: RICK SLIVA

Five Reasons to Start Hog Hunting

Hog hunting is one of the fastest growing segments of the hunting world. If you've been hearing about it and have been thinking about it, here's why you need to get out there and start doing it now…

There’s More to Firearm Laser Sights Than Meets the Eye

More and more people are seeing the value of weapon lights like the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro Universal Laser Sight with Tactical Light and laser sights for their firearms. Laser sight-equipped…
Angler holding a sheapshead fish with hook in its mouth

Sheepshead: How to Nab Those Notorious Nibblers

If we base sport-fish popularity on abundance, aesthetics, and tasty table fare, the sheepshead checks off all the boxes. No doubt, this coastal/inshore favorite deserves its desirable status, but…

Top 5 Turkey Gun Models of All Time

Nothing is more satisfying than shooting a turkey in the face with a load of 5s. It’s just such a wonderful experience, and it is made even more special with the right gun. It wasn’t that long ago…
Ice angler on a frozen lake fishing crappie

Best New and Noteworthy Ice Fishing Lures for 2020

Whether stocking up your ice fishing jig box or perhaps shopping for an ice angler on your list, there are a lot of great lures for catching fish through the ice. The following is a look at new and…
Mature buck standing alert on a hillside looking towards where he hears sound

We're Back on the Hunt for a Hit List Buck (video)

Deer hunting! We're back on the hunt for the hit list buck we call Slingshot! Plus, watch to the end to see a strategy that worked for tagging a doe...and keeping the buck in the field after arrowing…
Easy, delicious beef & venison jerky recipes, plus tips on what makes the best jerky

Tips and Recipes for Making the Best Beef and Venison Jerky Ever

Looking for Ways to Make Easy, Delicious Beef and Venison Jerky? The number of American camping trips fueled by venison or beef jerky is lost to history. Going all the way back to the earliest…
Hunter ready to shoot rifle

Use This Rifle Caliber Chart to Pick the Right Ammo for Hunting

When I first started big game hunting, most serious hunters handloaded their own ammunition. This was because the quality of the factory-loaded ammunition that was available was not always of the…
Large bull elk standing in a field

Hunter Conservation & Heritage Quiz: Can You Pass the Hunter Education Exam?

Bass Pro Shops Hunter Education Quiz – Conservation, Heritage, and Education All 50 states and 12 Canadian provinces/territories have some requirement for hunter education to get a hunting license…
News & Tips: Top 25 Bass Pro Shops Catalog Gift Ideas Friends & Family Will Love...

Top 25 Bass Pro Shops Gift Ideas Your Friends & Family Will Love

We know what you’re experiencing right now. It’s beginning to feel a lot like stress. It’s the stress of not knowing what to get your family members and friends for the holidays, which are coming up…
Lady bow hunter in a tree in a treestand preparing for the hunt

Bow Hunting Deer: Cold Front Challenges & Creating a Bottleneck for Deer

Bow hunting! Bradley and Danny did a great job designing and executing a hunting plan for an 80 acre property. By creating a hidey hole food plot, they created a limited resource and made an…
Mother turkey in a field with her poults

Partners in Conservation: Bass Pro Shops & National Wild Turkey Federation

A match made in conservation heaven. Bass Pro Shops and the National Wild Turkey Federation have influenced wildlife conservation and our hunting heritage like no other over the past four decades.…