News & Tips

Turkey Decoys in the field

Turkey Decoy Tips for Success

These Turkey Decoy Tips Will Help Ensure A Successful Harvest Ask experienced hunters what they think of turkey decoys, and you're likely to get reactions ranging from full endorsement to complete…
Gn safe full of guns

9 Steps to Prepare & Store Your Guns in a Gun Safe

The main reason to store guns in a safe is to keep your firearms from getting into unauthorized hands - people without training or those with ill intent. However, when you put the guns into the safe…
Many ducks swiming on a pond

How to Build a Fishing and Hunting Pond

Chances are if you’re an outdoorsman and live on or own an acre or more of land, you’ve probably had the thought: why not build a pond? You could hunt ducks and geese on it in fall. It would attract…
Women bow hunter

Bow Buyer's Guide for Women (and Youth)

One of the great boons to bowhunting is the growing number of women joining its ranks. Archery manufacturers have been quick to respond, producing more bows and archery accessories expressly with…
bow hunter with arrow

Arrow Buyer's Guide

Depending on your bow setup, and whether you compete in 3-D tournaments or just hunt whitetails, finding the arrow that is right for you can be a daunting task. This arrow buyer’s guide will help you…
Men digging a farm pond

10 Things to Know Before Building a Fishing & Hunting Farm Pond

There are many advantages to building your own ponds, from wildlife viewing to hunting, serious angling to teaching youngsters to fish, not to mention improving your property’s value. Here are more…
A selection of hunting knives

Hunting Knife Buyer's Guide: What You Need to Know

When I was 12 years old, my grandmother gave me a beautiful fixed-blade hunting knife in a leather sheath that had belonged to my grandfather. I was just learning to hunt then, and that knife became…
Shooter wearing hearing production

Caldwell E-MAX : Don't Risk Your Hearing Shooting a Gun

You Only Get One Set of Ears, So Make Sure You’re Protecting Them on the Range & In the Field The Caldwell E-MAX family of hearing protection includes Bluetooth, Electronic, and Passive options…
Grant Woods planning food plot location

Where to Put Food Plots: Advice to a Tennessee Hunter (video)

A Tennessee deer hunter has a property he's looking to improve for better deer hunting. Grant meets with him to review the property and share tips and ideas for improving the habitat. This video…
Game and Fish Recipes

Simple and Delicious Summer Recipes for Game and Fish

It’s time to begin cleaning last season’s harvest from your freezer as you prepare for the hunting and fishing ahead. These recipes are simple and delicious. Hunters and anglers are especially…
Deer in the woods

Scouting: Where Will the Deer be in the Early Season? (video)

Daniel shares deer hunting tips on scouting now for the best trail camera and hunting stand locations! See why one tree may be the hot spot in the forest for a better tasting and more abundant source…
Catfishing from a boat

The 5 Best Types of Bait for Catching Catfish

What are the Best, Easiest Baits for Catching Catfish? Using what we know as “artificial” baits, like crankbaits and plastics, is seldom the best bet for consistently catching catfish. All three…