3 Ways to Find Your Waterfowl Honey Hole

News & Tips: 3 Ways to Find Your Waterfowl Honey Hole...

Instead of following all the other waterfowl hunters to areas where pressure is heavy on ducks, geese and other acquatic game birds., search for out-of-the- way waters where there is very little pressure.

Finding these hidden hunting places on both public and private property takes a little work but it’s certainly worth the effort. Here are three ways to get started.

  1. Study topo maps and aerial photos.
  2. Talk to biologists, game wardens, and foresters.
  3. Make connections with area trappers and big game hunters. You never know who has insight into a prime piece of hunting ground.

You will eventually locate one or two places that waterfowl like and where no one else is hunting and you will have a private, unspoiled season.

By Larry Whiteley, Host of the award winning
Outdoor World Radio