3 Tips to Catch More Perch This Summer

News & Tips: 3 Tips to Catch More Perch This Summer...

Right now the perch fishing is heating up in Idaho. They're a great eating fish, third only to walleye and crappie.

To catch perch, the first step is to find them. To locate them I'll troll super slow and then when I locate a school I'll anchor and fish. When trolling I like to use a small plug, such as a Hot n' Tot or maybe even a bottom bouncer tipped off with a worm or minnow. Cover as much ground as possible.

Once I get into fishing for perch I have three methods that work for me.

#1. Put a piece of worm on a hook with a small split shot. I don't want too much weight, just enough to get to the bottom. My buddy Ed Sweet puts a small weight on bottom and then a hook 12 inches up and a second hook 2 feet higher. That way if fish are on bottom or a few feet up, he'll catch them.

#2. I tip off a small jig head with a piece of worm, flip it out as far as I can and then bounce it across the bottom.

#3. I love Lake Fork Trophy Lures 2 1/4-inch jigs in either the Sickle Tail or Boot Tail models. They have the most action of any plastics that I've ever used. The other day, the perch liked the color yellow, and I also picked up some bass on them.

Once you get into them you should catch a bunch, since they're a schooling fish. For fast action, I throw a big cooler in the boat with a jug of ice and flip all the fish into it to keep them fresh.

If you get into them hot and heavy and run out of bait, don't panic. Fillet one and use small pieces of meat and you can still rack up on them.

Well, it's time to hit your favorite perch hole. It's a great trip for kids. It's not real intense, but there's a lot of action and they're great eating!

P.S. Don't forget the sunscreen.