I just returned from Nicaragua from my second exploratory trip.
I was testing the veracity of having been told by many to expect that the month of September would have days that would begin the expected start of the rainy season. It is also the prime month for the Tarpon and Snook. Both species gather at the river mouth where it flows into the Caribbean Sea.I often visit a location several times to make my own judgments on fertility and seasonal weather conditions before I offer the location as a group destination.
I was joined by several Costa Ricans and my friend and quarter-of-a-century traveling companion, Neal Rose. Neal is aware of the dice-rolling guesswork when I am testing a new lodge or species. This trip, he was rewarded handsomely by landing and photographing a 90-pound Tarpon! He caught a Snook, as well.
I had been asked to perform a clinic-type demonstration of fly casting for staff and management, which apparently was considered to be a great success. Many questions at conclusion and the days following showed enthusiasm for the gentle sport. I have been asked to develop a program to entice fly fishers, and they will expect guides well-versed in how the long rod works and what they expect in boat handling. I am so certain we are on the road to achieving our goal I am presently booking two trips in 2013, in April and May. Both are filling quickly.April and May are prime months for the lagoon species Mojarra, Machaca and the dynamic Guapote. This area is the only place I have found after an exhaustive search where the Guapote reaches seven pounds and occasionally larger! All three strike surface flies readily!
I was asked and delighted to fish one day on the recent trip with Dr. Alfredo Lopez, the CEO of Rio Indio Lodge. During our outing, “Doc” had an explosive Guapote strike, though the fish was not hooked. This strike determined that all the major fish were not escaping deep into the jungle now available as the water levels rose. Several of the guides revealed to me that fishing was always good in the area but best in some months for certain species. I am learning!
I look forward to returning to continue the gathering of information and seeing my friends there next spring.
My next report will be on the results of a trip with the most famous fly fishing guides in Louisiana targeting Redfish with friends in late October! We are all hoping Mother Nature does not interrupt our plans.
Written by Harry Robertson