Grant's daughter Raleigh nails a good 3 year old bird with a big thick beard.
The Turkey hunting teams had to be flexible and change strategies to make these turkey hunts pay off!…
Grant & his father turkey huntng
Turkey hunting with the team! Three exciting turkey hunts in this video! Turkey hunting with Grandpa as he calls in 3 nice tom turkeys. Then…
Grant takes the shot on this gobbler.
From 2 wild turkey hunts, 2 birds killed! Both hunts are on the move! Grant and Adam are cutting and running trying to get in front of 2 gobblers…
This turkey had a full stomach of acorns and wheat.
The team at have 4 (four) wild turkey hunts on camera with 4 (four) birds killed over the special youth turkey hunt weekend. Watch…
Picture the perfect spring turkey hunting day and it would be something like this: vivid blue skies, crisp air, and a hint of wind to keep the bugs at bay. Reality is rarely so kind. Instead, a…
Next time you head for the turkey woods, take some wings with you—not the BBQ kind, but a real turkey wing from a past successful hunt.
Wings have been used for a long time by turkey hunters to make…
The team at GrowingDeerTV shows why prescribed fire is worth the effort for better whitetail habitat. Watch this episode as they checkout areas burned late last summer for a growing season fire. Plus…
The team at GrowingDeerTV shares the importance of keeping minerals out year round (begins :58) and how they are making a small food plot in an area that proved to be a hunting hot spot this past…
Bow hunting practice for early season turkey hunting! The team at share a brief Easter greeting then turn to firing up Swamp People star Troy Landry's deer hunting property for…
Are you taking a child on their first turkey hunt this year? Make sure they have a shotgun that fits. Buy a youth model or trim the stock of a full-size gun. A 20-gauge shotgun is best for most…
With the turkey population at an all-time high across America, you have a pretty good chance of coming across a dominant gobbler traveling with hens, jakes, and subordinate gobblers. Even though it’s…
If you want to be a good turkey hunter, you need to learn good woodsmanship. It’s as important, or maybe more so, than being a good caller. Woodmanship skills will help you entice a gobbler to an…