

Cabela's Tactical Tat'r 2 Turkey Vest

If you are a gear junkie like I am, with an OCD-like obsession for organization, the Cabela's Tactical Tat'r 2 Turkey Vest just might be what you are looking for. In terms of organization, the…

Hunting Turkeys In The Rain

If hunters out West waited for good weather to go hunting in spring turkey season, they might not set foot in the woods. I don't know how many turkeys we've taken over the years in the rain, but I…

How to Scout For Turkeys Online

The Benefits Of Scouting For Turkeys Online You meant to get out there and scout. You really did. This year, though, the To-Do List at home and office was just too long, and you never got out. Not…

Mid-Morning Turkey Hunts

Can't bear to rise and shine at 4 a.m. again? No worries. Here's an hour-by-hour hunting strategy for the post-dawn hours. I know turkey hunters, in states where hunting turkeys after noon is…

Top 10 Waterfowl Destinations

Like anglers, duck hunters have their home waters they know well, but, just like fisherman, they dream of other places, destinations famous for the opportunities they offer. Sometimes those stories…

Remington Versa Max Waterfowl Pro Shotgun

An Excellent Shotgun For Any Type Of Hunt Remington Versa Max Mossy Oak ShotgunIt is safe to say the Versa Max semiautomatic shotgun has secured a place in the pantheon of storied auto-loaders from…

Waterfowl Call Maintenance

Maintain Your Calls To Ensure They Sound Like New As waterfowl hunters, there are topics of maintenance we tend to on a regular basis. We clean our shotguns, post-hunt, with almost a religious…

Become A Better Duck Caller

Apply These Tips and Become a Better Waterfowl Caller It’s an old joke, but it’s quite appropriate given the topic here. A young man, an up-and-coming professional violinist and new to the Big City…

Cabela's Northern Flight Decoy Bag

The Last Decoy Bag You'll Ever Buy I’ve owned a lot of decoy bags since my first duck hunt in 1974. In fact, I’d hate to think how many decoy bags I’ve owned and lost or ruined or sunk over the…

Private Land Waterfowling: How to Ask Permission

Polite, Effective Ways To Ask For Permission To Hunt It’s true. There are some incredible public-land waterfowling opportunities scattered across this great nation of ours. Take, for instance, the…

5 Things You Should Have in Your Blind Bag

Just-In-Case Tools That Can Save Your Next Hunt Things happen, guns fail and the perfect hiding spot isn’t always readily available. These things surmise the life of duck hunters who spend their…

Finding Public Land for Duck Hunting

Find That Waterfowl Honeyhole On Public Land We were hunting woodcock and ruffed grouse when we stumbled onto two dozen mallards loafing away the day in a beaver pond. Benelli Super Black Eagle 3…