Small Game

News & Tips: Old Dogs & New Tricks: Coon Hunting Technology Has Come a Long Way...

Old Dogs & New Tricks: Coon Hunting Technology Has Come a Long Way

Way back in the olden days when I first started hunting with my father, two of the older men in camp would light out at night with their hounds for a few hours to hunt raccoons.   I had no clue about…
Pheasant hunter walking down a prairie road with pheasant in hand

Tools and Techniques No Bird Hunter Should Be Without (infographic)

If you take care of gamebirds bagged in the hunted field or forest, they will take care of you at the dinner table. Having the right tools and techniques for field dressing gamebirds can make the job…
News & Tips: Finally, No More Gamy Gamebirds!  Field to Table Tricks for Delicious Wild Game Meals...

Finally, No More Gamey Gamebirds! Field to Table Tricks for Delicious Wild Game Meals

One of the greatest rewards of hunting upland game birds, waterfowl and wild turkeys is the delicious dinners that result from successful hunts. But for the ultimate in wild game dining, proper field…
News & Tips: Spend Your Time Hunting Squirrels Around These 4 Fall Food Sources...

Spend Your Time Hunting Squirrels Around These 4 Fall Food Sources

A crisp fall morning, a .22 rifle in hand and squirrels grating on nuts; what a way to spend the day in the woods! Ripe hickory nuts, plentiful acorns, aromatic walnuts and cool fall mornings set the…
News & Tips: Are You Using the Wrong Gun for Squirrel?...

Are You Using the Wrong Gun for Squirrel Hunting?

Squirrel and other small game seasons happen throughout the country, giving hunters a chance to enjoy some of the finest opportunities for woodsmanship, fellowship and shooting skills.  From the…
Squirrel photo by Denver Bryan,Images on the Wildside...

4 Tips to Hunting Summertime Squirrels

Squirrel hunting is not the national past time it once was, but it is a fun way to sharpen shooting and hunting skills well before the deluge of fall hunting seasons arrive. With the right plan, you…
Rabbit hunter and beagle with rabbit

Hunting Tips: Rabbits Run in February

February is the time of year when small game hunting seasons are the sportsman's only focus — a time to join some rabbit-hunting friends in pursuit of cottontails. Beagles will chase the rabbits…
News & Tips: Rabbits Offer Great Late Hunting Opportunities...

Rabbits Offer Great Late Hunting Opportunities

If you're looking to extend your hunting now that deer seasons have mostly closed, consider an outing focused on the humble cottontail. In many states rabbits are open through February or later. And…
News & Tips: Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

Hunting Snowshoe Hares the Hard Way

Winter in the north can be an awfully long season. Ice fishing, tying flies and the planning of hunts certainly make it more enjoyable, but sometimes even these things won't cure cabin fever. That's…
News & Tips: Hunting Squirrels During the Winter

Hunting Squirrels During the Winter

Hunting bushytails during the harsh winter months is tough. Early in the season, squirrels seem to be everywhere. Food supplies are abundant, squirrels are less wary, and leafy branches restrict the…
News & Tips: Manage Your Land for More Squirrels

Manage Your Land for More Squirrels

Squirrels are perhaps our most popular small game animals. Millions of hunters pursue them. Many people also enjoy feeding, watching and photographing squirrels.         If you would like to increase…
News & Tips: Handgunning for Bushytails: How to Hunt Squirrels With a Pistol...

Handgunning for Bushytails: How to Hunt Squirrels With a Pistol

In our modern world, it is not easy being a squirrel hunter. Hunters pursuing monster whitetail bucks with incredible racks, bugling elk and gobbling wild turkeys cast scornful looks at those of us…