
If you are similar to me, your collection of outdoor gear is ever-growing. Organization is always a constant struggle, whether it be in your home, packing for a trip or keeping gear together in the back of your vehicle.
The line of RedHead Deluxe Camo Gear Bags are a great solution to ease the clutter — and look sharp doing it.
Pick Your Size
RedHead has designed three bags to fit the needs for all outdoors people. The medium measures 24" x 12" x 12", large is 32" x 15" x 15", while the XLarge is 36" x 18" x 18". I own the latter. This spacious bag (191.1 liters) fits all of my outdoor gear, including jackets, bibbed pants, boots, calls and other assorted stuff. It primarily stays in the back of the truck — awaiting my next outdoor adventure. In terms of size, the largest could also double as a decoy bag— at least for duck.
The smaller-size bags are great for organizing specific items, especially those that don't need as much room. For instance, the medium bag could house all of your game calls while the large size handles your garments.
All three sizes come in your choice of Real Tree Xtra or Mossy Oak Break-Up Infinity and come with a lifetime warranty.
Smart Features
These bags are built to stand up to abuse and sport a variety of great features. The U-opening with 2-way zippers allows easy and convenient access. RedHead has also added two side pockets, which come in handy to store smaller items that you require quick access to. Storm flap covered zipper closures keep the elements out and your gear protected, as does the heavy duty Weather Defense textured bottom.
Each bag also comes with an adjustable shoulder strap and carrying cover (for when folded down and not in use.) They are also Tech-Lok accessory compatible.
A Great Value
Gear bags can range in price from low to high. You generally get what you pay for. This line of RedHead bags exude functionality and looks similar to a premium product but are priced well below what one would often pay. So, storing your gear doesn't have to break the bank. Which is a good thing for all of us outdoor enthusiasts.
If you have gear to organize and store, check out this line of RedHead bags. They will definitely simplify your life.