One of my Facebook friends recently posted this gripe (disguised as a question): “It’s how many months until deer season?” Based on the comments that followed, hunting season can’t get here fast enough. Instead of pining for fall, though, head over to Bass Pro Shops’ Fall Hunting Classic event and check out free hunting seminars and get some great deals. You could even win the “Once in a Lifetime Hunting Trip” sweepstakes. This annual event is held in August at 54 Bass Pro Shops stores throughout the U.S. and Canada.
The Fall Hunting Classic is a mega popular tradition at Bass Pro Shops. This free event is a great way to learn how to be more successful in the field. Nationally recognized professional hunters, local pros and outdoorsmen and women will be at stores to give seminars on topics such as using game scents and calls effectively; tactics for hunting deer, waterfowl or predators; choosing the appropriate optics; tips for game camera placement; and transporting and processing game. (Make sure you check local store listings for pros, topics, dates and times).
Other special 2013 Fall Hunting Classic events are listed below:
• Aug. 2-4--Bass Pro Shops Hunting University. Attend free classes taught by top pros.
• Aug. 2-7--Bow/Crossbow Trade-In. Trade in an old bow/crossbow and save.
• Aug. 8-13--Scope Trade-In. Need a new scope? Trade in the old one and save on a new one.
• Aug. 14-18--Binocular and Rangefinder Trade-In. Trade in an old pair of binoculars and/or rangefinders and save on any new binocular and/or rangefinder purchase. See store associate for details on all trade-in offers.
• Aug. 17-18– Next Generation Weekend—Noon-5 p.m. On Target Challenge! In cooperation with Daisy®allows youth to learn 10 safety tips and the basics for safe, fun and accurate BB shooting at the Bass Pro Shops/Daisy BB shooting range. Seminars are Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. Other activities include an archery range and coloring a wooden cutout turkey or deer craft (while supplies last). Plus, the first 100 kids to complete the activities each day receive a free collapsible water bottle (while supplies).
• Aug. 17-18 –Free Photo Download—Noon-5 p.m. Kids can get a free photo download and an On Target certificate for completing the BB shooting range and archery activities.
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In addition, make sure you register for the “Once in a Lifetime Hunting Trip” sweepstakes. You could win a trip for you and seven guests to Broadfield — a swanky Sea Island Sporting Club and Lodge in Georgia. The prize package has an approximate $19,000.00 retail value. Visit http://www.basspro.com/classic for details.
It’s no wonder so many sportsmen and sportswomen look forward to this event all year long. More than 100,000 people are expected to visit each store during the 17-day event. There’s no better way to welcome falling hunting seasons than the Classic.
Note: Stores not participating in this event include locations in Miami, Fla., Islamorada, Fla., Branson, Mo., and the outlet store in Springfield, Mo.