Ice Fishing

First Ice, be safe! by First Ice, be safe!

First Ice Safety Tips for Ice Fishermen

Ice fishermen are probably one of the most dedicated groups of anglers to their sport in the world. Just about anywhere there are fish and a walkable coating of ice, anglers will be there drilling…
Nebulus Emergency Flotation Device by Nebulus Emergency Flotation Device...

New Nebulus Emergency Flotation Device Saves Lives

Each year in North America an average of 60 people drown when their snowmobiles and ATV’s crash through thin ice on frozen lakes and rivers. The Nebulus Emergency Flotation Device is a compact, self-…
News & Tips: Ice Preparation Begins Now

Ice Preparation Begins Now

If you're a fan of hard-water, consider this a public service announcement: Now is the time to begin preparation for the ice fishing season. There is still three months (give or take) before safe ice…
News & Tips: Tips on Storing Ice Fishing Gear

Tips on Storing Ice Fishing Gear

Before you switch gears from ice to open-water, it's worth while to service, clean, and inventory gear before storing it until next season. Here is a run down of common tasks. Give your auger some…
News & Tips: One Last Trip on the Ice

One Last Trip on the Ice

 you are lucky enough (or unlucky enough depending on how you see it) to live in an area that has been getting hit with the extended snow and cold, ice fishing might still be on the agenda. And late…

Catch & Release Issues for Ice Fishing

Anyone who knows me understands that one of my true passions when it comes to the sport of muskie fishing is teaching the virtues of catch and release. While I have covered this topic up one side and…
News & Tips: Late Ice Panfish Bonanza in Bays

Late Ice Panfish Bonanza in Bays

In many parts of the ice belt there's still lots of ice on lakes, but the end of the hard-water season is fast approaching. This bookend phase is one my favorite times of the year to wet a line.…
News & Tips: Set Lines: Your Silent Partner on Ice

Set Lines: Your Silent Partner on Ice

Recently I was ice fishing for walleye on a lake and experienced rather slow action. It was a classic mid-winter doldrums scenario. Fish were inactive most of the day and when dusk arrived the…
News & Tips: Cohos on the March Ice

Cohos on the March Ice

What do you do when the temperature gauge reads sub zero for weeks on end? We do what any sane person would do: throw another log into the fireplace and wait for warmer weather. Right now, in the…
News & Tips: Product Review: Frabill Stormsuit

Product Review: Frabill Stormsuit

As most savvy anglers know, often the best fishing action happens when it's wet out. Typically, rain and wind aren't a problem if you're prepared for it with the good raingear. Raingear is a serious…
News & Tips: Take Advantage of Twilight on Ice

Take Advantage of Twilight on Ice

  The author holds a walleye that hit at dusk on Lake of the Woods in Ontario's Sunset Country. While ice fishing is exhilarating, it can also be challenging at times. Frigid temperatures will…
News & Tips: What Size Hole?

What Size Hole?

Choosing the best hand auger is a common dilemma for those that flood the ice each winter. Many feel that "The bigger the hole, the better," but, depending on specie targeted, ice conditions, and…