The FLW Tour season is about to start. 1Source's Dave Landahl hunted down a dude with intimate knowledge of the FLW. A man so familiar with the organization he was once the CEO and now is a touring pro. Yes, the individual referred to is none other than RockyBrook Sinkers pro "Smiling" Charlie Evans. Evans stepped down from his FLW gig a few years ago and has been fishing on tour ever since. So, why not pester him during his practice for the first FLW event of the season and insist he answer the most revealing questions in the world of sports? Yes, Evans was brave enough to pick up the phone when BassFIRST.com called and answer the world famous Five Questions. RockyBrook Sinkers pro Charlie Evans (flwoutdoors.com)
1Source - What is your favorite fishing hole?
CE -Just about all of them. I love Okeechobee for grass fishing largemouth bass. Lake Erie or Champlain for smallies. The upper portion of the Mississippi when you want to fish a river. However, if I had to pick just one it is Clear Lake in California. You never know there. Legitimately, any cast you make can yield a double-digit bass. It's not a huge lake, but it is so cool.
1Source - What is your favorite way to relax?
CE - Fishing. I love being outside. For me, fishing is like trying to figure out a puzzle. It makes a hundred thousand piece crossword puzzle seem like something you could start and finish in one night with your eyes closed. To become a really good angler you need to focus, endure, fish in the present and not totally rely on fishing memories. All sorts of things go into it. It is my best way to relax. The amount of satisfaction I get from fishing is amazing.
1Source - What is the worst fishing tip you've ever received?
CE - I'm not sure I've ever received any truly bad tips. Some have been more valuable than others. The funny thing about anglers is that they don't mind sharing. The anglers today are better than they were 30 years ago. They may not share everything they are doing, but there is always a bit of truth in there somewhere.
Seriously, the worst tip I ever got was from my GPS. It gave me the wrong directions to a launch ramp.
1Source - What is the best advice you've ever received?
CE - For as long as I live, this one piece of advice regarding fishing is the best I've ever received. This is from way, way, way back while fishing a tournament on Lake Seminole. It comes from Hank Parker. I'm talking Hank Parker before he fished B.A.S.S. Hank told me there is no such thing as an accident fish. The fish strike for a reason. They don't act on emotion. They don't act with individual or unique thoughts. They act as a group and on instinct. He was and is correct. That one fish, if you can figure it out, can tell you what the rest of the fish are doing.
1Source - Fishing the FLW Tour or running the FLW?
CE - I think my entire life has been under a 4-leaf clover. My time working with the FLW was nothing short of amazing. I got to meet tremendous people and have amazing experiences. I loved it.
Now that I retired from that and am fishing the FLW Tour, I ask myself why the heck I didn't do this 20 years ago? I really can't say I'd choose one over the other. Both parts of my life have been amazing. I've truly enjoyed this adventure.