Having the right tools when fishing is important. If you've ever tried to cut thin, 10-pound-test super line without specialty scissors or attempted to use short-handled pliers to free treble hooks from the yap of a toothy pike or muskie then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Here are five inexpensive, must-having fishing tools every angler needs on the water.
1. Super Line Scissors Grip & Hold Fishing Line for Easy Cutting

I carry two pair of scissors in my boat. One is exclusively for cutting super line. This keeps them sharp for slicing gossamer-thin line. I've been impressed with the quality of Rapala's Super Line Scissors. They preform well and at about $7.79 is tough to beat. I've also used Rapala's Performance Tool Combo that includes the precision line scissors both on and off the water. They are an awesome product. The other pair of scissors in my boat gets used for other cutting duties, such as trimming a monofilament knot, opening factory-sealed soft-bait bags, and trimming flipping jigs.
2. Fishing Pliers, the Handy All Around Tool

These are an absolute must. A pair of long-nosed pliers like the Rapala Fisherman's Pliers are great for removing hooks from fish. Pliers are handy for bending wires and even cutting fishing lines or change split rings. Split ring pliers like Rapala's Mini are also worth carrying to make quick work of replacing hooks on a lure.
3. Fishing Cutters Cut Heavier Gauge Materials

A pair of cutters is another important tool to carry. I use cutters when heavier gauge materials become too strong or thick to cut with scissors. Use them for cutting wire, as well as heavy leaders.
4. Fishing Hook Sharpener or Hook File
Honing a hook point is a common angling chore. Most of us see to it after freeing a snagged lure from rocks, but get in the habit of touching up hooks more regularly. A razor-sharp hook point is a big factor in a quality hook-set and successfully landing a fish. Invest in a quality hook sharpener like the Rapala Hook Sharpener and it will last for years.

5. Fishing Jig Eye Cleaner Cleans the Paint From Jig Eyes
If you fish with jigs you need a jig eye cleaner like Bass Pro's for removing the paint from the eye of a fishing jig. With the tool it's a fast, easy task. Without this item, one's next course of action is often using a hook point to pick out the paint, and this is a road that's best left untraveled.
Carry these five tools and you'll find regular angling tasks go so much smoother than without.