The adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words", is as true as any and especially of a camping action shot. But there are photography techniques that improve the storytelling that a photograph accomplishes. Such results are easily done by anyone with basic photography equipment. Here is a quick look at how to capture the camping adventure in a photo.
After a bit of practice, composition will become automatic when grabbing the camera to capture the scene. With photo composition, there is a guideline called the "the rule of thirds". The rule of thirds is simply this: draw imaginary lines (two vertical and two horizontally), dividing the scene into thirds. The points, at which these lines intersect, are where the subject(s) should be placed.
In the camera's viewfinder, with the imaginary lines in mind, position the camera so the subject is in one of the intersections and the subject's focus on another intersection. Remember, you're telling a story so compose as much of the experience into the photo as possible. The goal is for the viewer to "feel" the scene portrayed in the photo.
The digital camera revolution has pushed photography to new levels and possibilities for all shutterbugs. From point and shoot models, to SLR (uses interchangeable lenses) camera types, digital cameras are the norm.
Camera prices vary widely, but regarding digital cameras, a basic, 10 MP (megapixel) model will do the trick. Of course the more bells and whistles that are included raises the price, so don't hesitate to ask the salesperson questions and explain to them what your intentions for the camera are.
Next to megapixels, optical zoom power is important when choosing a point and shoot digital camera. Select the most optical zoom power as fits the budget, and disregard the digital zoom options. When passing a digital camera's optical zoom range and transitioning to the camera's digital zoom feature, the photo taken will lose quality. Rely on the camera's optical zoom for higher quality, printed photos.
The most common problem among the occasional camera jockey is the inability of holding the camera still while taking the shot. This results in blurred photos, especially when enlarging for framing. A tripod is an inexpensive and should be the first accessory gear added to the camera outfit. A tripod provides the stability needed to develop crisp photos and also offers creative outdoor photography possibilities, such as using the camera's auto timer so every member of the camping trip is included in the photo.
Outdoor photography is a satisfying outdoor pursuit in itself, but capturing any moment in time is worthy and camping offers many of those. Following the basics of camera handling, composition and developing a photographer's eye will lead to more story-telling pictures in your photo albums.