White bass are one of our most popular gamefish and the most exciting time to fish for them is during their annual spring spawning run up streams and rivers across America.
When water temperatures reach the low 50s, whites start moving upstream out of the lakes and reservoirs until they reach a dam or other obstacle that blocks their travel. Here they stack up and continually gorge themselves waiting for the magic 55-degree mark to complete their spawn.
Hungry, aggressive white bass aren’t too picky about what they will eat, but 1/8- to 1/4-ounce curlytail or hair jigs are most popular, with in-line spinners coming in a close second. White is usually best, but chartreuse, yellow, pink, and other bright shades will work too.
A plate full of fried white bass with some potatoes and onions is hard to beat.
Stacey King is a member of the Bass Pro Shops Pro Fishing Team