Braggin' Board

Nice photo of a buck taken after dark on a moultrie trail camera in July.
Photo of a white tail buck in velvet taken on a Moultrie trail camera. This photo was taken in Northern Wisconsin.
Gary Muench with his Rio Turkey that he shot in northern Kansas on 4/10/13 at 10:00 in the morning. Gary was calling to a group of toms across the river. The tom came in quietly behind him. Gary then turned and shot him at 20 yards. The tom weighed 21lbs had 1 1/8" spurs and a 9 ¾" beard.
Pictured is Ryan Muench with an early spring gobbler that his father Gary shot in Northern Wisconsin in the spring of 2013. They called in a hen and this nice tom early in the morning and shot the tom at 30 yards. The bird weighed 19 and 3/4 pounds and its beard was nine and a half inches long and it had 3/4" spurs.
Trail camera photo of a nice buck in August coming into the minerals.
Nice buck harvested in Northern Wisconsin while huinting on public land out of a pop up blind.
Dragging a nice buck form the woods, that was harvested from a tree stand with a bow.
Northern Wisconsin trapper Patrick Cook with a beautiful grey fox he caught in a foot hold trap.
Check out all the trapping supplies that Bass Pro Shops has to offer here!
Gary Muench from Northern Wisconsin with a nice tom turkey that was taken while hunting in Kansas.
Check out all the turkey calls Bass Pro Shops has to offer.
Keagen with his first Tom Turkey. Keagan was hunting with Kyle Steinfeldt during the youth hunt in Iowa. Kyle had scouted these birds the last 3 weeks so he knew where they were roosting and cut them off on their way back to the roost. Kyle placed a Thunder Chicken Decoy out and called the toms in close. Keagen made a perfect 25 yard shot. The bird weighed 21 pounds and sported an 8" beard and 3/4" spurs.
Steve Dobberfuhl with a nice Tom he harvested in Kansas. Steve called this tom in with a Primos Piggyback Diaphram call. Steve and his friend Gary both harvested a nice tom during there Kansas hunt this year and managed to score a bunch of deer antler sheds during the rest of there time in Kansas.
Check out all the Diaphram calls Bass Pro Shops has to offer Here!
Fred Mathwig with a nice Southern Wisconsin Tom. Fred called this tom in with a diaphragm call. The turkey came in to investigate the pretty boy and pretty girl decoys he had set. The tom came in so quietly he didn't even know it was there. Fred used his twelve gauge shotgun to take this bird at 17 yards.
Tim Noll from Blind Ambition with a nice tom that he took during the Wisconsin Turkey hunt. Tim was hunting in Southern Wisconsin and took this tom with his bow while hunting from a Bale Blind.
Check out all the hunting blinds Bass Pro Shops has to offer Here!
It's that time of year to get your mineral sites set. This buck was caught on a trail camera in 2013 while checking out the Big Buck Magnet by Champs Supplements.
Check out all the minerals that Bass Pro Shops has to offer Here!
Tim Primus with a nice Gobbler he harvested with the help of his friend Kyle Stinefeldt. Tim and Kyle used the Thunder Chicken with a real tail fan and Tim had the Tail Chaser Fan mount with a real tail fan mounted to the bracket. The Tail Chaser is a new decoy for this year and is a deadly combo for a spot and stalk with either the Thunder Chicken or the Scoot and Shoot. Â
Nice buck caught on a trail camera placed by Ricky Mills with Hunting In The Sticks. This buck was checking out the Big Buck Magnet by Champ's Supplements.
Nice buck on the edge of a food plot in Southern Wisconsin.
Check out all the food plot seed that Bass Pro Shops has to offer.
This buck is bedded on the edge of a food plot in Southern Wisconsin.
Check out all the food plot seed that Bass Pro Shops has to offer.
This buck was caught on a trail camera while visiting a mineral site with Champ's Big Buck Magnet on it.
Check out all the mineral supplements that Bass Pro Shops has to offer!
This buck was caught on a Moultrie trail camera while visiting the Big Buck Magnet, a mineral by Champ's Supplements.
Check out all the mineral supplements at Bass Pro Shops!
Nice whitetail buck caught on a trail camera in July.
These does are visiting the Big Buck Magnet by Champ's Supplements.
Check out all the minerals Bass Pro Shops has to offer!
This buck was caught on a trail camera while visiting a mineral site with Champ's Supplements on it.
Nice ten pointer caught on camera in Southern Wisconsin on the opening day of the Wisconsin Archery hunt. This buck walked in front of the OutdoorsFIRST camera man and the shooter Nick Noll with Blind Ambition Hunting Supply. Nick chose to pass this nice buck in hopes of seeing him next year.
Cole Worrall from Northern Wisconsin with his first buck. Cole shot this buck with a youth model 243 at 50 yards on the second day of the Wisconsin youth hunt.
This buck was caught on a Moultrie trail camera in Kansas.
This buck was shot with a bow and arrow just after sun up in Rhinelander Wisconsin during the first stages of the pre rut.
Nice Kansas whitetail works a scrape. Picture caught on a trail camera.
Nice albino White Tail eight point buck caught on a trail camera in Northern Wisconsin.
Fred Mathwig with a nice turkey taken in Southern Wisconsin.
Check out all the turkey calls available at Bass Pro Shops!
Nice trail camera picture of a buck in full Velvet.
Pictured is Jen Mathwig with her first archery buck. Jen made a perfect shot on this nice five pointer wile hunting in Northern Wisconsin on opening day. The buck entered the food plot early in the afternoon and was spooked by a couple of turkeys. Jen and her husband Mike waited it out and the five pointer returned to the food plot later in the afternoon.
Nice Southern Wisconsin whitetail checking a scrape. Trail cameras are a great way to see whats out there and possibly pattern those big bucks.
Nice whitetail caught on a trail camera.
Nice eight point buck taken in the early part of the archery season in Southern Wisconsin.
Kaden Worrall walks up to his first buck after making a perfectly placed shot during the 2017 Wisconsin Rifle Season. Kaden was hunting with a youth license that allows the hunter to harvest a doe and a buck with any firearm through the whitetail season while hunting with a mentor.