Keith Worrall from OutdoorsFIRST Media with a nice 43" muskie he caught on a Tally Wacker top water lure fishing with an Abu Volatile musk

Nate Hoezel from Northern Wisconsin with a nice 49" muskie he caught on a bull dog while fishing a weed edge.

Eric Lindberg with a Nice tiger muskie that he caught on a spinner bait in 9' of water on the edge of a weed bed while fishing a vilas county lake

Joseph Cooper a multiple species guide in the North West Angle of Lake Of The Woods In Minnesota.

Tuffy Boats Pro Staffer Mike Hulbert with his personal best muskie. This fish was 57.25"s long and was released.

Oneida County guide Dan Gropengiser holding a nice 45.5" muskie that was boated by his boat partner Annete.

This walleye was caught on a weighted Fire Tiger Suick while fishing for muskies with Northern Wisconsin guide

Photo of a muskie in the Frabill that was caught on a dare devil

Northern Wisconsin Guide Brett Chariton and one of his clients with a nice muskie. This fish was one of two muskies caught during the day.

Nate Hoelzel from Eagle River with a nice 48.5" muskie he caught on a #7 Shad Rap in Northern Wisconsin while bass fishing.

Nate Hoelzel with a nice musky.

Jim Webb with a muskie he caught on a double blade buck tail.

Keith Worrall with Outdoorsfirst Media with a nice muskie he caught in Northern Wisconsin in the fall of 2012. The muskie was caught on a 5" Custom X Minni twitch bait.

Andrew Tillman with a nice muskie he caught on a large single blade spinner bait.

Keith Worrall owner of OFM On The Ice with a nice fall muskie. Keith had raised this fish four other times over the course of the summer casting top water and never could get the fish to hit. Returning to the same spot he saw the fish in the summer in October of 2012.

The Wisconsin Muskie Expo is underway the first weekend in March in Rothschild Wisconsin at the Patriot Center. Manufacturers displays, custom lures, and all things Muskie are on display!

Keith Worrall with Outdoorsfirst Media with a nice muskie that was caught on a

Steve Boulden caught this 54.5" Green Bay Giant while trolling a 6â Chubby X by Custom X Lures.

New Modern Day World Record caught by Joseph Seeberger in Michigan on Lake Bellaire. The fish weighed 58 pounds and is 58 inches long witha 29'' girth.

Steve Worrall of OutdoorsFIRST Media with a nice muskie that he caught while fishing with a top water lure on a lake in Northern Wisconsin.

Tennessee muskie fishing guide Cory Allen with a happy client holding a nice muskie.

New Mexico Tiger Muskie in the Frabill.

With the Robo Handle attached to a muskie net it makes it easy for any one to net there own fish.

Keith Worrall of OFM with a nice muskie caught in New Mexico on Blue Water lake while fishing with an

Nice 51" Tennessee muskie! This brute of a Southern Muskie was caught and released by Jake Priegel fishing with Cory Allen and Matt Lynch.

OutdoorsFIRST Media's Keith Worrall and his son Cole with a nice muskie that was caught on a small inland lake in Northern Wisconsin.

OFM's Keith Worrall with one of two muskies he caught on back to back casts while fishing a small lake in Northern Wisconsin.

Pro-Fisherman Rob Manthei with one of many muskies he caught during his annual visit to Andy Myers Lodge on Eagle Lake.

Corey Allen with Tennessee Valley Muskie Authority holding one of many muskies he and his friend Jacob boated during the week.

Jeremy Gubbins with a giant 54''er caught on a 9'' Suick HI Thriller.

Norm Wild with a nice musky he caught on a recent trip to the North West Angle on Lake Of The Woods in Minnesota.

Cory Allen with Tennessee Valley Muskie Authority Guide Service with one of 3 muskies over 50 inches caught in one day.

This fish was caught while fishing with a guide out of Andy Myers Lodge on Eagle Lake.

Minnesota Muskie caught trolling a Livid fish lure by Naze Baits.

This muskie was caught on a guided fishing trip out of Andy Myers Lodge on Eagle Lake.

Keith Worrall with OutdoorsFIRST Media holding a nice muskie he caught in Northern Wisconsin on a Suick Nite Walker.

Operation Musky guide Andrew Heidebrecht and his client with a nice 51.75'' muskie they caught on a

PMTT champions Jason Hamernick and Ty Sennett Takethe win and the Top Gun team of the year at the 2014 Professional Muskie Tournament Trail Champio

These two fisherman caught a muskie at the same time while fishing on Eagle Lake out of Andy Myers Lodge on a guided fishing trip.

Operation Muskie guide Andrew Heidebrecht with another dandy muskie he caught on a

These fish were caught at the same time while fishing on Eagle Lake with a guide out of Andy Myers Lodge.

Giant muskie caught on Eagle Lake in October while fishing with a guide out of Andy Myers Lodge!

OutdoorsFIRST Media's Keith Worrall with his personal best muskie caught on a sucker while fishing with Steve Herbeck a guide out of Andy Myers

MuskieFIRST's Steve Worrall with a 53.5" muskie caught on Eagle Lake with Steve Herbeck a guide out of Andy Myers Lodge. This muskie was caught on a sucker rig in the fall.

This muskie was seen surfacing while on a fall canoe trip on a Northern Wisconsin lake.

Nice muskie caught on a sucker rig while fishing on Eagle Lake with a guide from Andy Myers Lodge.

Tennessee Valley Muskie Authority guide Cory Allen and his client Ron Moon holding a new released Tennessee State record muskie. The fish was just over 54 1/2''s long and weighed in at 46 pounds.

Nice muskie released on Eagle lake in Canada. This fish was just over 53'' long and was caught on a sucker in the late fall of 2014.

Pros4- 1Source's Steve Worrall with a nice muskie that he caught on a Suick Weagle while fishing on Wabigoon Lake in North Western Ontario.

Pros4- 1Source's Steve Worrall with a nice musky caught on a sucker rig while fishing Eagle Lake in Ontario out of Andy Myer's Lodge.

Dragging suckers behind the boat below a large bobber while casting in the fall is a great way to catch those finicky muskies. When the fish follows your lure into the boat and does not eat, more times than not it will swim off see the sucker and the fight is on.

Nice Northern Wisconsin musky caught on a Suick Nite Walker in 5' of water.

Nice tiger musky caught in Northern Wiisconsin.

Nice musky caught on Lake Of The Woods out of Tamerack Island Resort.

Andrew Tillman from Milwaukee Wisconsin with a nice musky that he caught on a live white sucker attached to a sucker harness under a large bobber while drifting the sucker over the deep weed beds in 12' of water.

In the fall the big muskies really put the feed bag on and it can be one of the best times of the year to target larger fish. This fish was caught on a 13'' Suzy Sucker by Suick Lures while fishing in a 18' deep cut in between a shoreline and mud flat.

Pros4- 1Source's Keith Worrall holding a heavy 50'' musky he caught on Eagle Lake while fishing with Steve Herbeck.

Nice 40'' musky caught on a spinnerbait in Northern Wisconsin. While fishing the pads in 2 to 5 feet of water.

Pros4- 1Source's Keith Worrall with a 43'' musky caught on a Mepps #5 buck tail in 5 feet of water.

The fall musky bite has been hot. Pictured above is a happy customer from Andy Myer's Lodge on Eagle Lake in Canada.

Billy Mcginnis with a nice cpr'd tiger muskie caught on a sucker. This was his first time ever fishing muskies.

Pictured is Tim and Brian Barker with their first place trophies at the 2018 Professional Muskie Tournament Trail event held on Cave Run Lake out of Morehead Kentucky.

This muskie was caught on 15# test line on a chatter bait while fishing for bass in a channel between two lakes. After a quick picture she was released.

Pros4- 1Source's Keith Worrall holding up one of two muskies that he caught in an hour during the Charlie Baker Memorial musky tournament last weekend. The two fish were good enough for second place in the event.

The NiteWalker has been on fire this year for a lot of anglers. Pictured is Greg Stubbe with a dandy 50.5 incher from Lake of the Woods! If you like to fish top water for big bass and muskie you may want to try a Suick Nite Walker!

Rosinski & Adkins Win Minocqua Chain Regional Professional Musky Tournament Trail with a 46.5'' muskie caught on a bucktail in 12' of water.

Nice Musky caught by Tim Radzinski on a spinnerbait while fishing the slop on a small lake in Northern Wisconsin.

Pros4- 1Source's Keith Worrall with a nice muskie caught on a jerk bait while fishing the break line around an island on Eagle Lake.

Fred Lederer & Philip Cummings with the win at the 2019 Professional Muskie Tournament Trail on Cave Run Lake. They boated a 44.5'' and a 41.5'' for the win. This is the first event of the 2019 season.

Andy Myers Lodge Guest Frank Spano and AML Pro Guide Scott Munford boated this giant on October 22nd! The muskie measured 55.5″ x 26.25″ Taped for girth and measured on a Bump board.