My second buck ever, taken in October 2015 with a 150 yard shot.

My first deer after four years of still hunting on high-pressure public land. Taken in December of 2015.

Big nanny doe from the 2016-17 season. Took her down with a 230 yard shot.

After six years of hunting hard on public land in search of a mature buck with no results, I decided to give myself a break and head to an outfitter for a few days during muzzleloader season.

First muzzleloader harvest on public land! Taken at 50 yards from the ground.

My hunt of a lifetime at New Zealand Safaris started with this gorgeous typical red stag going down on day two. Hard hunt but unbelievably rewarding!

Big, old fallow buck went down at New Zealand Safaris on the fourth day of my hunt! Such a beautiful animal.

My first bird ever, taken after a 6 hour long chase at Backwoods Trophy Outfitters in Ahoskie, NC!