Grapevine Lake Texas
Grapevine Lake is a favorite bass fishing spot of mine when in Dallas and the Fort Worth area.
The lake is picturesque surrounded by parks, trees and sand beaches, outcrops and rocks. The water basin is max 65 Feet deep with outcrops, rock formations, some sand and floor vegetation. This lake is filled with large and small mouth bass, crappies, cat fish and alligator/long nose gar. The daily limit on large mouth is 14 to 18 inches, with a daily limit of 5 for all species. For alligator/long nose gar is 1 max daily. An interesting and prehistoric fish species.
Fish caught:
Several different methods of fishing include; from shoreline as one doesn’t need a fishing license, but on the boat one does. Fishing along the shoreline casting with Bass Pro Shops XPS Deep Static Shad Crank baits into the reeds, outcrops and on the fishing piers close to the marinas is by far the easiest and most successful for today with hooking a few bass and an alligator/ long nose gar! It was a thrill as they are considered predators, that put up a fight and run with the lure hooked till tired, and a little nerve racking with its many teeth and long snout as I'm reeling it in, somewhat similar to a northern pike and a sturgeon.
Using the same lure, Bass Pro Shops XPS Deep Static Shad Crank baits hooking an alligator gar in the mouth approximately 3 feet in length, made it easier to remove the hooks with a good pair of thick gloves and needle-nose pliers and a thick stick to hold its mouth open for access to the hooks. Super excited for the catch and that I didn't get nicked by it's teeth, releasing the fish to live another day.
Later that day, I had the pleasure of eating an alligator/long nose gar; the flesh is white and firm with a mild taste, comparable to most other fish species. Commercial fisheries exist for the alligator gar in some southern states — a delicacy to some. While the flesh is tasty, do note that the eggs of the alligator gar are toxic and may cause sickness if eaten.
There have been reports of large sizes that include in 1991, a large size alligator gar to the size of 9’ 6” in length, in 1953 a weight of 302 lbs and in 2001 a weight of 290 lbs. from the Trinity River system that feeds Grapevine Lake !! Yikes, gives a new meaning to wading in the water and something rubs against your leg!!!
Love the lake for fishing and its many amenities! Always an adventure!! How about yours?
For Grapevine lake access:
There are 3 marina’s Scott’s Landing, Silver lake, and the north Shore has Twin Coves. With 1400 moorings and an additional short term for 575 vessels. There also is a sailing club at Scott’s Landing. Enjoy what every you choose!!